Monday, September 14, 2009

New Years' Day

You all know it as 9/11. Here it is the first of September or 1/1/2002. Everywhere preparations for the holiday have been growing: Goats, sheep and cattle are being herded to strategic points along the major roads along with the inevitable basket-loads of chickens, street vendors are selling new year cards along with plastic flowers. This year the said livestock and birds “enjoy” a one-day reprieve. Today is Friday. Those of you who have been paying attention will already know this to be one of the fasting days. The only day to trump the fasting day is Epiphany; hence the preparations are still in full swing for the feast tomorrow.

As if to signal the start of the new year it was a pleasant sunny day with one very light sprinkle, just the day for a walk into one of the hills that almost surround Addis. From a viewpoint overlooking my current abode the city looked every bit as sprawling and ill defined as it feels travelling around.


Given the piles of goat/sheep skins around in the market this morning few escaped the early morning carnage. But then I would be hypocritical to condemn this slaughter having just enjoyed both sheep and chicken dishes, along with homemade tej, with my landlord’s family.

Edited and posted by Elspeth, who is still a vegetarian.

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